Part 1: Moulana Ismail Husain (rahimahullah)

History / Specialities / Beautiful Poem on its Virtues / Attachment of Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) / Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam)’s du‘aa for his children / Great sacrifices of Haajar (‘alaihas salaam) / Well of Zamzam

Duration: 37:21



Part 2: Moulana Ahmad Paruk

Virtues and Sanctity of the Ka’bah / History / Greatness of Hajre Aswad and Maqaame Ebrahim / Construction of the Quraish / ‘Abdullah bin Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) fulfills the desire of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) / Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah)’s far-sightedness

Duration: 39:55
